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Current CUTTING scheme: the most effective way to lose weight for me

No matter how hard you try to eat right, small eating disorders are inevitable. You relaxed somewhere, visited a holiday somewhere, succumbed to temptation. No matter how good an athlete is at a competition, he has to dry thoroughly at least once a year. Another option is to maintain a dry shape all year round: I gained 1 kg of fat, dried by 1 kg.

However, the second option interferes with physically improving, working on increasing mass, endurance, and strength indicators. You will just keep in shape at the same level. This does not suit me, since I am working on improving certain physical qualities in the offseason. In this case, it is easier to carry out “capital cutting” 1-2 times a year.

I do not urge anyone to adhere to my method of losing weight and do not claim that it is universal for everyone. Moreover, I give more gentle weight-loss schemes to almost all my students. However, I find these schemes less efficient and slower.

There are contraindications to lose weight in this way. For example, a girl who is not indifferent to her health should adjust my menu by increasing healthy fats (both vegetable and animal) to at least 40 grams per day.

Basic principles of my working scheme

Do not waste a lot of time “swinging”!

Already in the first week of cutting, I immediately try to cut the diet to 1000 calories or less. Also, carbohydrates are completely removed from the menu. The carbohydrate-free itself will help you get into ketosis more quickly. This is a mode of energy supply to the body as a result of carbohydrate starvation of cells.

In ketosis, our body begins to break down fat more intensively to form ketone bodies that provide us with energy. Roughly speaking, 1000 calories without carbohydrates create lipolysis as effectively as 700-800 calories from a balanced diet. So my fat gets a double hit – a low-calorie, high-protein diet hitting both sides at the same time.

Hard entry into the diet without consequences for well-being

Often leads to attacks of hypoglycemia. To avoid darkening, weakness, and dizziness, I always carry a small bag of regular sugar with me. In training or with a high mental load, I can easily consume 5-10 grams of sugar, which will completely benefit my body, normalizing blood glucose levels, stabilizing my well-being.

Sugar is used only when symptoms of hypoglycemia appear and cannot be replaced by fructose, since it has little effect on blood glucose levels (the GI of fructose is only 22, while sugar has 75).

A tough war on fructose and all fruit

Because fructose is converted to liver glycogen, but cannot be converted to muscle glycogen, it is not only useless as a blood sugar normalizer, but also as a post-workout recovery aid. For these reasons, it is not suitable for cheat meals either.

It is for this reason that I do not consume any fruits or berries on carbohydrate-free days (except for lemon, which is poor in carbohydrates). On cheat meal days, I can eat a little fruit or berries, purely to cheer up, but I will not overeat these unhealthy foods (harmful in large quantities).

Cheat meals or reward system

A certain number of “hard” days (minimum is 2, maximum 5-6 days) is replaced by one beautiful day of “loading”. Any diet leads to body resistance, it tries to adapt and stop the process of “lipolysis” (fat burning).

Scientists have found that one day of a sharp increase in carbohydrates in the diet led to the effective activation of fat burning processes! The second high-carbohydrate day, on the other hand, stopped lipolysis and activated lipogenesis. So a maximum of one day of a carbohydrate-rich diet will benefit your cutting, provided that glycogen stores are depleted first.

On days 4-5 of low-carbohydrate nutrition, I lose glycogen so much that there is no longer enough energy for training, as well as for a normal existence (thought processes and even the ability to speak normally and move legs). A carbohydrate day will replenish glycogen stores, fill muscles with energy, and support immunity.

Finally, it starts the work of the digestive tract, because many athletes suffer from constipation on carbohydrates. A cheat meal is a strong psychological recharge that turns cutting from torment into a holiday. You feel like you did a good job and was well rewarded! It is very important not to “overload”, to do this, keep a food diary, count how much you have eaten, weigh yourself every 3 hours.

If I see that I have eaten more than three kg, then I begin to limit my appetite. By the way, a cheat meal helps to normalize the production of the most important hormones! Leptin production is increased, ghrelin and cortisol are reduced to normal levels. This means that you will not go crazy with hunger and lose muscle mass.

Supporting the body with vitamins and various dietary supplements

Without this, cutting turns into a meaningless process of self-destruction. If you are an opponent of “artificial vitamins”, only gentle and slow weight loss will suit you. Complex vitamins and vitamin C separately support my immunity. Omega 3 fats – the cardiovascular system and the nervous system, their beneficial properties can be discussed for hours.

I do not use it if there were fatty fish on the menu that day. BCAAs and complex amino acids are almost useless during a high-grade diet, but perhaps the most important supplements in a calorie deficit. I use them in shock dosages, 3-4 times daily.

For insomnia, I use soothing herbal tinctures or melatonin supplements. L carnitine, “pre-workout”, fat burners, and other harmful nonsense I do not use, either useless or harmful to the nervous system. On cutting and so cutting, sleep suffers and irritability manifests itself, why drive yourself even more into nervousness?

Strength training and cardio

By working with heavyweights, taking long rests between sets, and doing low reps, I persuade my body to lose weight primarily through fat. This is logical because such a load has an anabolic effect and does not increase cortisol as much as exhausting cardio.

I only do cardio as an adjunct to strength training, provided I have a lot of free time and no hard work. By burdening yourself with many types of stress, you are guaranteed to get a consistently high level of cortisol and the results of your cutting will be simply terrible.

Conclusions:  As I already said, such a rigid scheme is not suitable for everyone and it requires individual “polishing” for each specific person. The main thing is that in this way I get the greatest and most rapid results, which are then well maintained.

The result of this scheme is always excellent for me: a high percentage of lean muscle mass in the body, excellent shape, a very low percentage of subcutaneous and visceral fat with minimal time and effort.


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