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Are bodybuilders and athletes down with NPP results? The obvious answer to this question is Yes! NPP has been around for a very long time and doesn’t seem to be going away in the near future. Those experienced with steroid use are always figuring out what to cycle with next and how to take their bodies to the next level. By incorporating NPP to a cycle, the results can be astonishing. For those of you who have never used NPP or are new to the steroid world in general, let us introduce you to Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. There is a lot of information to cover, so sit back, relax and enjoy what we have to offer in regards “what is NPP” and how can we benefit from it.

For those who is familiar with NPP already we have prepared the list of trusted providers that sell NPP online: Read our Guide

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Introduction to Nandrolone phenylpropionate: a magical steroid Durabolin

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a classic Anabolic Steroid with little Androgenic effect. It was first marketed in the 50s. It was sold under the brand name Durabolin by the company Organon. This is the same company that later made Nandrolone Decanoate and sold it as Deca Durabolin for its brand name. These days, underground labs are producing NPP and this is boosting its popularity. As a result, it’s being used more often because it is easier to access.

Read also about NPP steroid function

More or less experienced athletes prefer NPP injections as the most effective and convenient form. A great amount of athletes have been commenting about the quickness of the relief that this steroid gives to their joint pain. The esters are fast-acting and works much quicker than its counterpart, Deca Durabolin (Nandorlone Decanoate). Another major benefit that these athletes are talking about is that they get no water retention when using NPP. You can jump to NPP VS Deca comparison section.

short facts list about NPP steroid

Anabolic steroid like NPP is official medicine and is used to treat a variety of diseases: NPP will boost the synthesis of collagen and the content of bone minerals. The result will be stronger cartilage and bones, along with the capacity to recover from problems that may occur. Patients with HIV and Cancer can also benefit from NPP injections, as it helps battle fatigue and muscle wasting illnesses.

It’s much less Androgenic than Testosterone, with a rating of 37, compared to the rate of testosterone, which is 125. NPP is used for cutting cycles but is more renowned for bulking cycles and in the off-season. This steroid can provide a significant increase in muscle, however, growth will occur in a steady manner.

NPP is rarely used solo, at least by men. On the cycle, the drug is usually combined with Testosterone Propionate (in the background), Trenbolone, oral medications (for example, Methandienone).

What positive effects make us to use Nandrolone Phenylpropionate?

This steroid has many positive traits associated with its use. That being said, some of the benefits will outweigh what some other steroidal hormones will do.

  • Has low Estrogenic properties (via its Metabolite Estradiol);
  • Faster Recovery (heals damaged tissues repair quickly);
  • Increased Strength Gain;
  • Healing Properties (including joints, tendon and ligament pain);
  • Quick acting half-life (compared to Decanoate);
  • Holds less water weight than Decanoate.

Other positive NPP EFFECTs ON bodybuilder BODY

Some of the positive benefits worth mentioning include increased IGF-1 production. What does this mean to you? This is a critical hormone that is needed to help our bodies recover faster. So NPP enhances muscular endurance and recovery.

Next on our list is the inhibition of Glucocorticoids which are stress hormones. Injections of NPP will greatly reduce the production of stress hormones. Who doesn’t like the sound of that?

NPP increases our nitrogen retention which in turn will help us keep more muscle tissue and prevent the body from falling into a catabolic state.

Our protein synthesis will also increase with the use of NPP and this will help our cells build protein and muscle. Increasing the red blood cell count in our bodies is vital to workout longer and harder.

And lastly, NPP will help strengthen our bones and aid in the relief of joint pain often associated with those who spend most of their time picking weights up and putting them down.

Read how to buy anabolic steroids in USA

NPP in Other sports (not bodybuilding only)

While the use of NPP for bodybuilders is common, other sports athletes can also benefit from the use of NPP on a performance basis as it will help aid in joint relief.

Athletes will not see a huge increase in strength and size since their training regimen is different than that of a bodybuilder, but nonetheless, the athlete can still use NPP to their advantage to cut down on pain and recover quicker from practices and training.

Read more about need to use Clomid

NPP IN official medicine

Earlier, we briefly touched on the use of NPP for medical purposes. Let’s take a look more closely.

NPP has been said to help treat Cancer, HIV, improve weakness and fatigue in older patients, fight Anaemia, treat burn victims, help to cure ulcers and improve those who deal with Osteoporosis by strengthening bone cartilage.

While NPP can help fight a host of illnesses, it is more widely used for medical conditions outside of the United States.

See also about Increased lean body mass

NPP vs Deca: Pros and cons of each steroid and results they provide

NPP has a small ester base while Deca Durabolin is the long ester of the hormone Nandrolone. NPP is said to work much faster than Deca and also clears out of the system a lot quicker. Unlike Deca, NPP will help you pack on lean muscle as well as boost your strength better than Deca. In addition, it is said that NPP helps the individual to heal much faster after brutal, intense trips to the gym. Research indicates that NPP has been used widely to treat various medical conditions including HIV and muscle-wasting diseases. Getting back to lean muscle, users have noticed results with NPP in as little as 1-2 weeks, whereas with Deca, the minimum that users may notice results is 4-5 weeks.


One downfall to NPP vs Deca, is that NPP requires more frequent injections since it clears the system faster and has a shorter half-life than Deca. NPP half life is 24-36 hours, while Deca Durabolin leaves body up to 6 days. Although you’ll be injecting NPP more frequently than Deca, but because it’s said to kick in much quicker, the user can enjoy shorter cycles of NPP, with great results over the longer cycle of Deca.

Both steroids are excellent and will provide amazing results when used the right way in conjunction with a well-balanced diet consisting of healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates. And neither steroid will do a thing for you if you aren’t in the gym working out to make the most of these added drugs in your body.

Get more ideas what’s better in our detailed NPP vs Deca article

other things to discover

In a sport like bodybuilding, it can be used for cutting, but is more popular when bulking. Bodybuilders who want a good mass builder in the off season turn to this steroid. Even though NPP is fast acting, the muscle growth will occur in a steady manner over the cycle. Consuming more calories to grow effectively throughout the cycle is an important part of the off season too. When eating properly and applying the right cycle, users of NPP will get the steroids maximal benefits. Despite its features (focus on weight gain), the tool is popular in strength sports. Nandrolone reduces pain, and also contributes to the elasticity of tendons and ligaments. These properties of a steroid drug are invaluable for powerlifters and other representatives of power sports.

For bodybuilders and athletes in the off-season or who are considering a bulking cycle, NPP is one of the best steroids that you can use to increase muscularity and size. It is often noted that most bodybuilders will always include NPP in their bulking cycle. When trying to bulk, remember that you need to consume more calories in order for your body and muscles to grow. NPP is not a miracle steroid and will not benefit a bulking cycle without the proper consumption of food and the right training regimen. During a bulking cycle, not everyone is trying to pack on size, some are actually trying to put on lean mass. NPP has significant metabolic effects so this will help you put on size, but it will be lean muscle, not bulky fat.

Some also use NPP when running a cutting cycle, although it is not very common. When cutting, we need to burn more calories than we consume but still keep our lean muscle that we already have. NPP will protect the lean muscle tissue and keep our bodies tight, as long as we increase our cardiovascular activities and eat clean, with a strict regime on a consistent basis. Recovery time is also said to be cut by the use of NPP which is crucial for those working out while cutting. Our bodies become fatigued early on during a workout when we are calorie deficient, so the use of NPP will give added strength and endurance. NPP can be stacked with other steroids when cutting to deliver faster, quality cutting benefits.

NPP will boost size and muscularity when used for bulking. Of course in order to get the results desired, it is necessary for the individual to consume more calories in order to allow NPP to work to its full potential. Growth will occur when we feed the body and muscles with the required nutrients. Results are not said to be rapid but they will be steady during the cycle.

Although NPP is used more so for bulking, it can be used in a cutting cycle to protect the lean muscle that already exists. Cutting cycles require the user to consume less calories which will result in the body looking to burn fat and muscle. NPP will not allow the loss of muscle to occur.

Another important benefit of NPP is the ability to aid in joint pain and relief that usually occurs when individuals are training hard and lifting heavy.

NPP has a powerful appetite-stimulating effect which will definitely help those using this steroid during in the off-season, when packing on lean muscle in preparation for cutting or an upcoming contest cycle. Speaking of a contest or competition, NPP clears out of the system within 10-12 months. This is beneficial for those who are usually drug-tested.

Shorter cycles of NPP will still provide amazing results. You’ll find that some will run NPP cycles for as little as four to six weeks and still gain quality lean muscle.

View our NPP CYCLE info page for more information how you can stack NPP solo and with other steroids

Typically, a cycle of NPP will last 8-12 weeks. Women may choose to run this steroid for a shorter period of time (let’s say 4-6 weeks), but again this depends on the individual. There are some women who workout just as hard, if not harder than men and are into bodybuilding and fitness intensely. Plan your cycle according to your goals and what you want to accomplish. Another piece of advice when choosing both the dosage and length of your cycle, is to figure out what you are going to stack NPP with. This will play a key role in how much you take, how often and for how long.

NPP Dosage: FEW WORDS ABOUT Administration

Most of you reading this are now wondering how much NPP you should inject, right?

Just like with any other steroid, the dosage will rely on what you are looking to achieve as well as your level of experience with steroids and what you do in the gym as well as how you eat.

For some, 100mg a week is a good amount to see results. Others will tell you that this dosage is way too low and will inject 200mg a week or more to get dramatic results. The sweet spot usually falls between 300-400mg per week, when you talk to bodybuilders and athletes who have their heads on straight and are serious about results.

As for women who choose to cycle with NPP, the dosages can be the same. It all depends on the individual and how well they tolerate any and all steroids.

You know there will always be people out there who go above and beyond these dosages but remember by doing this you put your body at a higher risk for side effects.

After you choose your dosage amount, split the injections up into three injections per week every other day. Because of the steroid’s shorter half-like, it needs to be injected more ofter to keep blood levels stable.

What works for one may not work for another. Listen to your body and assess your tolerance level to get the most out of what you are taking or injecting.

Real NPP Side Effects: how to avoid damaging your body

Anabolic steroids have side effects, and the stronger the steroid, the more pronounced the “side effects” are. Of course, there are going to be side effects from injecting NPP but most consider this steroid to be on the side effect friendly end of the spectrum. If you are aware of the possible side effects, then you can better understand how to cope with them or even in some cases minimize the chance of getting them at all.

As we already said, in the case of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, the side effects are average. This is not a steroid which is known for its nasty side effects. Some of the most common side effects associated with NPP include the development of male breast tissue, bloating, higher blood pressure, acne, hair loss (if there is a presence of male pattern baldness) and a negative impact on good cholesterol levels. 

While we talk about what the side effects of NPP are, it is important to explain that not all steroid users experience side effects. Some will get side effects from one steroid, but not another. So, keep in mind that if you talk to people at the gym or go online and search around in forums, you’ll get different responses, opinions and advice about steroids and side effects. The best thing to do is test how your body responds to a particular steroid at a particular dose. This is the most accurate way of knowing which steroids you’ll be able to run without much of an issue or problem with side effects.

Using NPP may cause Estrogenic side effects such as water retention, an increase in blood pressure and Gynecomastia. Introducing an Aromatase inhibitor to your cycle will help minimize the risk of such effects. NPP is considered a Progestin and Progesterone can activate the mammary tissue which leads to Gynecomastia (man boobs). This is said to happen to men who are sensitive to Progestin.

The risk of Androgenic side effects does exist with the use of NPP. Oily-skin, increased spurts of acne, bodily and facial hair growth and baldness (if already prone to hair loss) are examples of Androgenic side effects that may occur. This drug is well tolerated by many men and women, so the likelihood of these is not as high as with the use of other steroids. In addition, women who cycle with this steroid may experience a deepening of the voice as well as enlargement of the clitoris. Those who experience these effects will either discontinue the use of NPP or cope with the effects. Once you stop using the steroid, the negative effects should reverse themselves within a matter of time.

NPP can have a negative impact on the individual’s cholesterol level and may do so more significantly than Testosterone. Healthy individuals who use this steroid will most likely not see a huge spike in cholesterol levels, but it is always a good idea to keep these vitals in check. Keeping the diet cholesterol friendly and incorporating plenty of omega fatty acids will help reduce the cardiovascular strain of NPP within the body. In addition, regular cardiovascular exercise is strongly encouraged for a healthy heart and to maximize the benefits of steroid use.

Like all steroids, NPP will suppress the body’s natural Testosterone production. As with all Nandrolone compounds, one injection can dramatically suppress your natural Testosterone production. Remember that genetics too, will play a role in this factor. Generally, most if not all steroid users, will incorporate Testosterone into any steroid cycle to prevent Testosterone levels from dropping too low. Natural Testosterone production will begin again once the steroid is stopped or the cycle ends but this will not occur overnight. This is why Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is important after completion of any steroid cycle.

Liver problems are not associated with the use of NPP.

NPP has an active half-life of six days when injected. This means that the steroid will remain active in your system for six days after injecting your dosage.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is widely used in bodybuilding with various other Anabolic steroids. The half-life of the drug is an average of three days. Although some sources indicate you should take it twice a week, this will depend on factors such as cycle length, the goal of the athlete and what other steroids are being used in the cycle. As for the dosages, they are selected individually, taking into account the specific features of the individual involved.

side effects for ladies

Women who are thinking about using NPP and are not new to the game, know that there are possible side effects. It has always been a debate as to whether women should take any steroid. But the decision lies in the individual, regardless if it’s a man or woman. Those who live this kind of lifestyle typically know what they are getting into and plan proper Post Cycle Therapy to avoid any negative impact.

Females who are considering using NPP, should be aware of possible side effects such as

  • a deepening of the voice
  • acne
  • the possibility of menstrual irregularities.

Side effects will vary from person to person and depend on the NPP dose used along with the duration of the cycle.

A person who adheres to the framework of the cycle, trains consistently and follows a clean, strict diet is unlikely to face serious problems. Staying consistent and eating a combination of healthy fats, protein and carbs will keep you in check.

It is highly recommended to monitor your blood pressure and have regular bloodwork done. Today there are quite a few private laboratories where they conduct various tests. Many athletes and bodybuilders go to these centers. If the indicators of Prolactin go wild, certain drugs can be used to help cope with the problem. The specialist at their centre may recommend them to take Cabergoline.


We always recommend Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after any steroid cycle although there are some who never choose to use PCT. PCT drugs will help get your body back to where it was (not physically of course) and get you ready for when you want to run your next cycle.

Just remember that when you opt out of PCT, you put your body at a greater risk of side effects from the use of NPP and other steroids.

Most bodybuilders will tell you that using both can benefit them because it helps get the body back to homeostasis as well as getting their Testosterone levels back in check. PCT after a cycle of NPP should last for three weeks and consist of Clomid and Nolvadex.

As for doses, ideally, it is recommended to take 40mg of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) a day for two weeks and 20mg of Clomid for the next week or two following (depending on if you PCT for 3 or 4 weeks). Again, this is up to the individual and the cycle that was just completed.

example of Personal Experience of IFBB bodybuilder: Real story about NPP injections.

This is a story provided by real IFBB bodybuilder who agreed to share this personal experience with us in.

I decided to try NPP for the first time after reading all of the hype on the internet. Asking around at the gym was pretty much pointless, because no one seemed to want to let me in on any steroid secrets or how they got their gains, so I was on my own this time!

After receiving my NPP in the mail I planned my cycle to include NPP and Testosterone Propionate. I was injecting 300mg EOD of the NPP and could hardly wait to see the results.

Fast forward to three weeks into my cycle – BOOM! I was like what happened to my body (in a good way of course)! I already put on ten pounds and it was all good, quality muscle.

Keep in mind that I put in the work too by training six days a week and eating clean. My plan is to run this cycle for eight weeks and see what else can happen to my body.

But as for NPP, this is definitely something you guys (and girls) have to check out.

NPP, along with other AAS, is a schedule III controlled substance in the United States under the Controlled Substances Act. While NPP “brother” Nandrolone Decanoate (aka Deca Durabolin), conversely, is one of the few AAS that remains available for medical use in this country, NPP is not being prescribed anymore. So the only way you can get it is to buy it online from offshore companies or domestic underground lab.

In the United States this steroid is not available with a prescription but you can purchase it online from one of online stores.

Online retailers offer NPP for sale are divided into two main kinds:

  1. Those who mix raw material imported from China and put it into vials with home-printed stickers (so called “underground labs”).
  2. Resellers of official pharma grade products. They act as dropshippers, meaning that they buy stock from official pharmaceutical companis and keep the products ready for shipping outside of USA. Once order is placed they arrange shipping from Europe or Asia via regular mail in discreet package and customer gets delivery in 5-15 business days (means within 1-3 weeks).

You can get more info how to buy NPP and dont’ get scammed from our buying guide

a short summary of all ideas

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate has become a preferable steroid among bodybuilders. Durabolin has an enhanced anabolic and reduced androgenic action. It improves the amount of nitrogen within the muscles and promotes the cells to store a higher amount of protein. 

For bodybuilders, one of the top benefits of NPP cycle is that it can bring you up to 35 lbs of muscles with low roll-back effect. It is also famous for its ability to lessen the pain that they have in their joints from constantly lifting heavy weights. 

NPP will provide amazing results for those who give it a try. It was never as popular as the larger ester Decanoate version (Deca) but nonetheless is used by many bodybuilders, athletes and those in the fitness industry.

Discover trusted NPP providers with quality Durabolin for sale

  1. Need beginners bulking cycle with NPP but don’t know what to stack it with. Will you guys provide the cycle? Stats: 5’10, male, 195lbs.

  2. NPP makes a great stack with other short esters in under ten-week cycle.
    Here is what we recommend:
    • NPP / 1st thru 10th weeks / 300mg per week
    • Testosterone Propionate / 1st thru 10th / 300mg per week

  3. I know that Deca is not used for cutting cycles but heard of guys using NPP. Is this correct? Can NPP be used during cutting phase cycles?

  4. How are the results from NPP? I’m talking in terms of muscle, if run in place of nandrolone decanoate when I go on next.

  5. If your looking for lean muscle growth sooner rather than later, NPP is the way to go. NPP begins producing results 3 – 4 weeks faster than Nandrolone Decanoate. IGF-1 levels increase from it which is key to packing on muscle. NPP will boost nitrogen retention and this also is key to building muscle.

  6. Do you guys here have opinions on what is better to use for joint health? Nandrolone Decanoate or NPP?

  7. We recommend NPP for joint health over old school Deca. Either or will help with joint pain but NPP works much faster by boosting collagen production and content of bone marrows.

  8. My stats: Female, 5’4, 140lbs. and this is not my first cycle of gear but is my first bulking. I want to add around ten pounds of quality muscle. What do you guys think a good combination stack is for me if using NPP?

  9. We will break it down for you here, take a look:
    • NPP / 1st thru 8th week / 200mg per week
    • Dianabol / 1st thru 6th week / 50mg per day
    • Winstrol / 1st thru 8th week / 75mg per day
    We have the feeling you know this but must say it anyway. Keep your diet high in protein and filled with clean carbs. Protein at 250grams per day or even more. NPP has the quality of helping the body breakdown and use more so the additional protein you take in won’t be excreted. NPP will make you have a stronger appetite so junk food out of the house.

  10. The amount of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate that one runs depends on experience and muscle building goals. We can tell you this though, beginners usually dose NPP at 300mg-400mg per week while experienced users, dose 600mg-800mg per week. Injections of NPP should be done every 2 days for best results.

  11. NPP raises red blood cell counts, helping deliver more oxygen to the muscles and therefore boosts muscular endurance. Low red blood cell count will make one feel tired and out of breath.

  12. Everywhere I look for info, all people talk about are the negative side effects from steroid use. I just want to know the benefits from taking NPP in terms of bodybuilding.

  13. Bodybuilders, whether at the highest level or have just began the journey run NPP because it provides the following benefits:
    • Versatility (cutting & bulking)
    • Appetite increase (consumption of protein increases as result)
    • Boost nitrogen retention (cells assimilate extra protein to build muscle)
    • IGF-1 levels increase (ideal for adding lean mass)
    • Boost collagen synthesis (helping the joints as result).

  14. I’ve been around a while and used gear many times throughout the years. I’m no pro bodybuilder or even involved in the fitness world like that. Guess you can call me an old gym rat. In all that time, never once did I hear of this NPP. When and where did this come from?

  15. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) has many of the same properties as the compound, Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca). NPP was first made in the 1950s and sold under the name Durabolin by the company Organon. It’s the same company that later created the popular Deca you and many others know so well. NPP never did gain momentum in popularity like Deca although the positive characteristics of it outweigh Deca. Arnold the Terminator and his old school friends made bodybuilding popular. Deca was lucky along with some other compounds when these guys chose them as their steroids of choice. This has made Deca one of the superstars in steroids, but many argue now that its washed up.

  16. If you have any question regarding NPP steroid or any other main popular anabolics feel free to ping us. Our pro IFBB team members are always here to help you. We provide support with creating of cycles that will help you to reach any goal in any major sports and to stay away from possible side effects that anabolic steroids usage may bring if used without proper instructions.

  17. Yes, there is. NPP has a much shorter half-life, therefore requires more frequent injections. NPP half-life is 2 ½ days compared to Deca at 12 days. This makes it faster acting than Deca.

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