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Simple endurance training – we increase the capabilities of the body and gain strength

Good day! We continue to develop ourselves and improve our physical condition, which will become the key to many future victories;) Today offers to work on the most important physical quality – the body’s endurance. Without it, there is definitely nowhere, because quick fatigue will negate all the results shown unless you are a sprinter who runs a hundred meters in a matter of seconds. But for a sprinter, starting in a competition is an extreme load, and he can cope with the usual physical workload no worse than any other athlete who does his job for hours. It is not necessary to be such “iron people”, but everyone is recommended to keep the body in good shape, so choose a workout and join the pumping not only of consciousness but also of muscles!

What you need to know about endurance

As you know, there are five physical qualities in total: speed, strength, agility, endurance, and flexibility. It is clear that speed is the speed of exercise, strength is physical strength, agility is the ability to combine the performance of different actions, and flexibility is the ability of muscles to stretch. But what is endurance? It is difficult to formulate a definition on the fly because the quality is ambiguous.

On the one hand, endurance is the body’s ability to do work for a long time. But, there are special types of endurance, for example, speed or static. What is the difference? Look, it’s one thing to run at an average pace of 30-60 minutes, and it’s quite another to give your best at your maximum speed. The snatch will take you no more than a few minutes, which is 6-10 times less than the training time at an average pace. However, both types of work are aimed at developing endurance! Only in the first case, the overall level of the body’s performance increases, and in the second, an additional emphasis is placed on high-speed work performed by a certain muscle group.

Thus, the duration of endurance training depends on the type of exercise chosen and its focus on the work of certain muscle groups. Therefore, it is not very appropriate to mention the exercise time in determining endurance. Better to say in the most general terms:

Physical endurance is the body’s ability to resist fatigue.

In other words, it is endurance that helps us to perform any work intensively and quickly, or for a long time, but at a stable, moderate pace.

You must admit that quality is extremely important, not only for practical benefits but also in terms of health benefits. Endurance exercise is excellent banish blood through the body, help to improve the digestive system, develop the respiratory system, and train the cardiovascular, ie make it less vulnerable to physical stress. By the way, the nervous system is also well ” pumped “, since its work is also continuous ( concentration, setting up neural connections, muscle control, etc.). So, enough words – let’s move on to training and getting the effect.

What is endurance training?

Since there are different types of endurance, the training process can be varied. As an example, we will briefly describe several options for different endurance training.


The simplest and most relevant option for summer is running at an average or even calm pace ( heart rate up to 130 beats per minute ) for 20-60 minutes.

Why is this workout good? It does not require much physical effortis suitable for any amateur athlete, has a positive effect on almost all body systems. There is only one drawback, but also a relative one – due to the lack of muscle tone, beginners will not be able to run smoothly for a long time. But here everything is relative: for one person, even 15 minutes of running will become a personal record, and for another, an hour of running at an average pace will not become that load that will increase endurance, since the level of this quality is already so high that it allows you to perform such work without heavy efforts … Therefore, the duration of the run can and should be varied.

As for the direct effect of running training, the following indicators can be achieved:

  • Development of the respiratory system;
  • Cardiovascular system training;
  • “Pumping” the legs and core muscles that support the body in the correct position;
  • Improving running technique;
  • Increasing the level of general endurance of the body.

Also, note that running training can be performed with a bias towards special work. For example, alternate a steady pace with sharp accelerations of 100-300 meters. In this case, running endurance is pumped, and the speed of the legs increases and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems receive a greater effect from training.

Strength exercises

Work with your own weight or weights is more focused on muscle endurance, and to a lesser extent – on improving breathing, blood circulation, and heart function. Nevertheless, such a base of exercises is very important, because the physical regime is based on it: the education of discipline and willpower, building up muscle mass, improving strength indicators. So strength and endurance also go hand in hand, and besides, you can train in different formats.

The easiest way – to take an exercise of medium difficulty and just execute it before the onset of muscular failure. For more interest, you can play the “ladder”, but here the main thing is not to overdo it with the maximum point, otherwise, there will be no strength left to descend from the ladder;)

Take push-ups as an example ( you can do squats, bench presses, pull-ups, lifts or kettlebell swings, etc. ). We warm-up and start doing push-ups according to the following scheme: push-ups 1 time, stand up, inhale-exhale, again take a lying position, push up 2 times, stand up, inhale-exhale again and again lie down, do 3 push-ups.And at this rate, we reach the maximum repetitions, after which we also begin to decrease the push-ups until we again reach 1. There is no additional rest, recovery is provided only after completing the entire set!

Another option for developing endurance is a dynamic exercise. For example, we do the same push-ups, but at a fast pace and immediately to the maximum. When you can’t do more push-ups, get up, rest for 1 minute, and take the next approachIn total, you need to make 5-10 circles. The rest mustn’t exceed 2 minutes – endurance work does not imply a complete release of tension from the muscles! You only need to recuperate a little to keep working to the limit.

By the way, in strength training, you can simultaneously develop dynamic and static endurance. Static is the maintenance of muscle tension for a certain amount of time. As a result of such work, you get not only strong but also strong and enduring muscle. The principle of work in push-ups is simple: go down, stay in the extreme position for 5-10 seconds, rise up, stay in the support lying for 5-10 seconds – this is one repetition. Other strength exercises with static elements are performed similarly.

Cardio workout

Unlike strength training, cardio exercises more affect the pumping of breathing and CVS ( cardiovascular system ). Moreover, cardio workouts can be performed in two versions: intensive or long-term work.

Intense training means explosive strength, speed development, and special endurance. A prime example is the protocolTabata, in which the exercise is performed at full strength for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds are given to catch your breath, after which the next exercise begins. The video shows an example of Tabata training from blogger Arseniy Kim.

As you can see, this type of work does not take much time but requires maximum effort, therefore it is recommended more for experienced amateurs than for beginners.

Longer work is much more productive in terms of endurance, heart training, and breathing. Also, there is a wide variety of exercises:

  • Fast walk;
  • Swimming;
  • Jump rope;
  • Dancing;
  • Run;
  • Bicycling;
  • Aerobics.

The point of a long cardio workout is to continuously perform the movement for a long time (from 20 minutes). If preparation allows, you can periodically make “explosions” – increase the pace for 15-30 seconds, and then return to the previous mode of operation. Thanks to such training, your overall endurance will significantly increase, your CVS and breath will improve, and special qualities will develop: speed, agility, coordination, etc.

Coordination endurance

By the way, about coordination. There is such a concept as coordination endurance, and it is associated with the complex performance of technically complex physical actions. Vivid examples of such work are gymnastic elements, boxing, football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc. It turns out that a person makes several movements at the same time: catches the ball, immediately aims, and makes a throw. Or the boxer makes a step, along with him the defense against the attack and his own counter-attack on the opponent. Juggling , by the way, is also very connected with coordination and trains it perfectly.

So, coordination endurance is the ability to accurately perform special actions for a long time (match, game, round). During the competition, the athlete should not lose concentration, reaction, agility, and reflexes, therefore, special work on coordination endurance is carried out separately. An ordinary sports lover or a physical education worker doesn’t need to carry out such training, but they certainly will not be superfluous for self-development. And we will talk about specific exercises a little later since this topic requires special attention.

Which endurance workout should you choose?

The answer to the question of how to train endurance depends on the level of physical fitness of the person. If he has never played sports, then any load will be stressful for the body, so you need to start smalllight running, a little strength work, possibly light cardio. For an experienced amateur, the best option for developing endurance will be a long tempo run, swimming, cycling, strength work “to failure”, Tabata. Well, if these loads are already too simple for you, then complicate the work by increasing the intensity or complexity of the exercises.


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